Nothing in life is as certain as death and taxes! That must be the most certain statement ever spoken by anyone, anywhere ever. We can not escape those 2 facts. Yet, as far as one of these is concerned, thousands of us fail to cover this most basic fact. Try an internet search for your local area and ask how many people, on average die each year. I bet you'll be surprised. Yet of those people, I bet at least half have inadequate life insurance cover. No I know that this is not a very cool or nice subject, but the simple fact is we are all going to die. Therefore, how come we can't even provide for this eventuality? Life insurance should be the foundation of everyone's financial plan; you do have a plan don't you? This is the reason I do what I do, you see I firmly believe in the provision of life insurance, I mean name me one person who will not benefit from having this type of cover, go on just one. You see is the saddest things you will ever see a young wife with a family arranging the funeral of her husband, or that same woman trying to deal with the household bills that still keep coming in? Let's start with the basics. It does not have to be expensive. Cover can be provided for as short a term as one year, which, let's face it should not break the bank but at the same time is only going to provide a short term solution. If everyone is going to claim on this policy one day, why not have a whole of life policy and take it out as young as possible or as soon after your 18th birthday as possible. You see the younger you are the cheaper the premium or to put it the other way premiums rise as you age. Therefore a $100,000 policy is going to be cheaper for a male aged 31 next than it is for one aged 41 next. And in an age when you can insure just about anything, this is the simplest form of cover you can get, you die you claim, well it won't be you doing the claiming but you see what I mean. So in conclusion, unless you are not of this world, I hate to break it to you but you will die, so go out and cover yourself because if Ant can cover Dec and Dec can cover Ant you do not have an excuse (anyone not from the UK may not understand that but Ant and Dec are an annoying duo that present a couple of TV shows in the UK), and whilst this will not save you from death and taxes it will certainly make them more bearable for your loved ones. There are certain health needs of women's interest that women look for in health insurance policies. Women are interested in health insurance polices that cover health issues specific to women. Child birth, as well as the many months that come before and linger after the birth; health care regarding female reproductive organs including pap smears and ovarian, cervical, and uterine cancer screenings; and regular mammograms are just a few of the health concerns and health care needs of women's interest. Fortunately, it's not too difficult for women to find health insurance policies to cover the health concerns and health care needs of women's interest. Let's face it - if a health insurance company doesn't offer coverage for fact-of-life issues such as pregnancy and child birth, how many policyholders can they really expect to have? Unfortunately, there are still health insurance companies out there that don't offer certain health care coverage specific to women's interest - namely, birth control pills. Birth control pills have been around since the 1960s, and while they were originally used to prevent pregnancy, they are now taken by many women for a multitude of other reasons, as well. Birth control pills are sometimes prescribed by doctors to help regulate a woman's irregular menstrual cycle, help lessen the severe, painful cramping that accompanies menstruation, and help ease the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Birth control pills can also help with other health concerns of women's interest such as helping to prevent ovarian and uterine cancers, as well as pelvic inflammatory disease. Still, many health insurance companies do not offer coverage for birth control pills in their policies. Whether you already have a health insurance policy, or are in the market for a new health insurance policy, make sure you ask about the company's coverage of birth control pills. There's no sense in paying what one insurance company doesn't cover, when there are companies out there that will cover the costs.

A lot of people like owning and driving cars, but no one likes to repair them or pay to have them repaired. But cars are like anything else; if you use them, they eventually need attention. Today's vehicles are far more complicated than the cars of a generation ago, so fewer and fewer consumers are able to do their own repairs. That means taking it to a professional mechanic when something goes wrong, and choosing a bad one can cost you a fortune. While the majority of auto mechanics are honest people, there are more than a few that have been known to take advantage of consumers by engaging in a number of unethical practices: Padding the price with unnecessary repairs. Padding the price with work not actually done. Charging for new parts when using used ones or charging for factory parts when using third-party parts. Providing higher estimates to female customers than they do to men. Using the wrong mechanic can not only cost you money, but it can actually endanger your life if the work was not done properly or even done at all. What can you do to make sure that the mechanic you hire will do a good job and treat you fairly? You might consider the following: Ask your family or friends for recommendations. People often take their cars to the same shop for years, so a recommendation from a longtime customer would be helpful. Check with the local Better Business Bureau to see if the shop in question has a history of consumer complaints. Check to see if the mechanics are certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. These certifications indicate technicians who have passed comprehensive exams and are probably sufficiently competent to handle the job. Check out the shop in person. Look around. Is it clean? Organized? Does it have a professional look? If the shop is run by professionals, it should look as though it is run by professionals. Do they provide a written estimate? Most reputable shops will do so; if they don't, you could find yourself with a rapidly escalating repair bill. Check with the American Automobile Association. They provide members with a list of reputable shops that can take care of your needs. If you drive a lot, and most people do, it is vitally important that your car be kept in the best possible condition. That means finding a reputable place to have it repaired when something goes wrong. The last thing you want when your car breaks is to take it to someone who will do a poor job or charge you too much money. Taking your time in finding a reputable mechanic is a good start. Unlike certain kinds of insurance, life insurance isn't a requirement. Sure, it's a nice cushion for your family in the event of your death; it's even a nice cushion for you in the event of an emergency. Yet, since life insurance isn't a requirement, many people choose not to purchase it. Many people have just as many different opinions when it comes to whole life insurance policies and term life insurance policies, the two most popular kinds of life insurance policies. It is the opinion of some people that whole life insurance policies are the only way to go, with their "whole life" coverage and investment components. They like the guarantee of a whole life insurance policy - if it covers you for life, your beneficiary is inevitably going to use it one day - and feel as if investing money into something you may never use, such as a term life insurance policy, is ridiculous. It is the opinion of other people that "whole life" coverage isn't always needed. For example, parents may choose to purchase a term life insurance policy for a child who is at risk for inheriting a potentially fatal health condition. These people also tend to have the opinion that the investment components which come along with whole life insurance policies - investment components that are often described as "forced" - are actually a waste of money compared to the numerous other ways to wisely invest money. When you're ready to choose your own life insurance policy, takes the opinions of others with a grain of salt. In other words, take their opinions into consideration - most of these people didn't form their opinions on the different life insurance policies without some kind of experience - but don't be swayed by their opinions. Research the different benefits of each kind of life insurance policy, as well, before making your decision about which kind of life insurance policy is best for you.

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