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How to Breeze Through Windows Server 2016 Exams Passing the 70-743 - Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Exam The 70-743 is one of the most challenging exams that you will face. It is not an easy exam to pass, by any means. Many different topics are tested, such as installing Windows servers, implementing storage unfolding, implementing hyper-v and using advanced network infrastructure. These are the skills your bosses would expect you to know, which is why they are tested. Even if you have some practical experience with such work, you will find that you are going to face a difficult exam. Questions are asked in a specifically tricky way, ensuring that you do not have an easy time coming up with an answer. You will also be in a time crunch, as you typically have one hour to finish the test. Best Exam Study Methods Whether you are taking the 70-743 or the 70-744 - Securing Windows Server 2016 exam in the near future, you will need to prepare properly. When studying for the 70-743 or 70-744, it is about ensuring that you are familiar with both the topics and the way the test is administered. The second point is where our study method comes into play. Using Past Tests An underrated study method is to make good use of the past exam questions that you can find online. If you are able to find an online resource where you are getting access to past questions, it will make your life a lot easier. By looking at past questions from recent exams, you will have a good idea about what they are going to ask you on the test. A lot of people underestimate how difficult these exams can be. When you are sitting in that position, with less than an hour and still most of the test to finish, you will be under pressure. Even if you know the topics on hand, you will get tripped up by the way questions are asked. A way of avoiding this issue is by using past tests. You can look at those questions to get a good understanding of how things are asked. You will be able to understand the way questions are worded. And if you are getting tripped up by specific types of questions or topics, you will have the time to study for the actual test. It will ensure that you are completely ready. Passing these exams on the first try is important. They are expensive to take and you will be wasting a lot of time if you keep restudying for the same test. By using the technique of assessing past test questions, you will have no issues passing these technical exams. Article Source: EzineArticles.com

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