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The Intricate Tuning of the Valid Program That We Easily Call Reality The Abstract Possibility that We are Simply a Program Created by Another Program. While it is Good Philosophy to wonder about ourselves in this Universe, how we fit in with the scheme of things and how we improve or even want to improve if all this were true? Given the one pocket of this entire universe, a natural desire for knowledge and improvement, this desire in itself becomes its own universe. Throughout history humans have made their own simulations for one purpose or another and inevitably we are all collectively heading toward that special place in time where we are able to manufacture the perfect simulation. This will scientifically prove to ourselves once and for all that the 'us' are existing inside of other simulations and so on, one of many Russian Dolls. Maybe We Are In The Beginning. We already adopt the powerful outputs of programming into extreme research possibilities. This data we call information we then figure out ways to reach even further with no end in sight. Whether this capability be used in scientific research, gaming for entertainment, education to spawn new hunger for further research, spurious intelligence, war, creation... Simulations that we create of other living beings shine a whole new light on complex behavioural systems such as bees and ants for directional systems and other minute behaviours we haven't even started to explore. All this and right through to the behaviour of galaxies and universes. The thought of implanting pure human decision-making into these computer programs we are developing. Human cognition and reasoning working together with machines and transport. Simulations developed by us will safeguard the safety of such exercises by simply being born out of earlier simulations systematically removing the error out of trial. The ability for us to create automatons not with artificial intelligence but with consciousness. Ironically, further advanced experiments in quantum computing simulations will take us even closer to the whole mapping of our very own brains. The vast number of these simulations may even start to take on a whole new consciousness of their own and possibly leaving us completely out of the loop. Realistically there are statistically millions of other intelligent Life systems like ours that are even far more advanced than ours with real probabilities that these beings have already reached or surpassed this point. What then? Law of averages add more and more weight to this supposition every day, taking science fiction theory to science fact, and drawing our 'what if' scenarios to new heights ever so steadily. Human endeavour to persevere in this direction outweigh the religious creationism fear of futurism, as the sound humanistic ethics far outweigh the desire for ignorance. The clues are right in front of us. The definitive fine tuning of the quantum physics of life around us, the mathematics in the engineering. Numbers that hold the universe together, numbers that hold our bodies together, we are intrigued by these same numbers, constantly on this human journey of knowledge to one day have the power ourselves to one day emulate the universe. Numbers and components in nature, however how minute they are, is the calling card clue to intelligent design of the universe. Life is impossible to go on or even exist without intricate tuning that make it possible in the first place for the Valid Program to Appear and Exist. Article Source:

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