Selling insurance has its ups and downs. Not all insurance companies make it to their tenth anniversary, while some fall and wake up after some years. This is a common challenge in every business though, so do not be discouraged by this if owning an insurance company is what you plan to do later as a career. In fact, you are better of reading this article as you will be mentally prepared for such challenges and more that have been highlighted below. · Competition If your line of business has no competitors, it is either two things; your business is doing bad or too good! There are thousands of insurance companies and probably millions of insurance agents out there all with one common goal; to make money. Therefore, you should always have a plan or plans to always be a step ahead of your competitors to survive in this game. If your competitors offer senior life insurance, make sure it is on your to-do list! Moreover, the beginning is the toughest period for any new insurance company because people are always skeptical about it and refer the existing insurance providers they are used to. · Negligence An insurance company needs you to be fully committed to the customer and any false mistake made could result to losing customers or even worse; bad corporate image. Remember, your business solely relies on your customers and as you recruit more, you need to maintain the existing ones. This will require you to offer good products and services to retain them; failure to this can cause problems between you and your customers. Nobody likes to be neglected or rejected by such service-providing companies, especially if you are investing your hard-earned money in it; this is a bad picture for any business, plus your company will be known for its bad service so fast, you will not know how and where to start fixing such a big problem. Therefore, customer-service has to be on point at all times. · Changes in status of the economy Insurance companies cannot rely on the economy. Why? The main reason is mainly that it is never stable! This has greatly affected such businesses since it affects their rates when it comes to setting premium prices and payments. You have heard of cases where insurance companies hike their premiums; well, if they continue with their existing rates while the economy is not favorable, then this will lead to losses and later on shutdown of the business.