Ngeri! Usai Main ke Curug, Bocah Ini Mengeluh Sakit dan Hidung Berdarah, Ternyata Makhluk Ini Isinya

Unfortunately the term Mesothelioma is becoming increasingly more known, the mere mention of the striking fear in most of us because we all know it is assigned to death. Asbestos is that the reaper, Mesothelioma is his daughter inside the hand. Asbestos, the miracle product from the fifties is now recognized being an enemy from the twentieth century. A ruthless enemy who‘ll kill more and lots the best way to compared to the war. Men, women and children will certainly be victims of the prey, innocents that have at some stage in their lives inhalation of asbestos dust. We happen to be in connection with products containing asbestos in your life time. We sat inside the asbestos classrooms, stood next to our fathers as they simply cut an asbestos fence, arrived old linoleum with asbestos clogged behind of them. Visited the local board in which the broken leaves of the were offered towards the wind. Records show that there‘s a greater number of individuals with asbestosis and mesothelioma that have directly worked in asbestos mines, shipyards and also the companies that manufacture asbestos products, though there are a lot of people that have never worked in those industries. Their connection with asbestos, due to the dust brought home on the husband’s clothes or coming from the asbestos residues placed all around the houses of mines and perimeters from the city. However the tragedy doesn‘t end there, children playing innocently with their own backyard played among asbestos residues as children play elsewhere inside the sand. That They‘d no method of truly understanding that their sand was blue asbestos. A very good bath at the conclusion from the day, perhaps removed the dust coming from the skin, however the dust inside the lungs and would have stayed dormant for several years before claiming his deadly warning legacy. Without, the ideal individual suddenly reaches in need of breath, x rays reveal fluid inside the lungs and also the nightmare begins. Questions are asked and you also answer, yes, I‘d been exposed to asbestos dust but I‘d been alone inside the city for a couple of months and it was eventually greater than 40 years back. How can it be possible? This is actually the most embarrassing thing about mesothelioma. Why can there be such an extended time period between inhalation of asbestos dust and also the onset from the disease? What triggers a robust healthy body suddenly succumb inwith it? So exactly what do we do to avoid this from happening? Blood tests are now available to work out if mesothelioma is present inside the body before somebody is mindful of the symptoms. This really is an amazing breakthrough and can be step one towards healing the disease before it becomes terminal. Recently, mesothelioma was cured of the mouse and attempts to provide it back the mouse were unsuccessful. That too is definitely an exciting thing and holds a glimmer of hope for most of us. I witnessed first-hand the devastation of mesothelioma. My husband was a robust, manly man who rarely had each day off in her life. Suddenly, in the age of 52, he became in need of breath and was later diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma. He‘d lived inside the asbestos mining town of Wittenoom in Western Australia for a couple of months in the age of seven. Asbestos dust inhaled and then it took 45 years to get deadly. I still see it a challenge to believe. Despite his prognosis of three to nine months, Brian survived for 2 yrs. He was 54 when he died

Tempat wisata alam yang menjadi salah satu tujuan favorit banyak orang adalah air terjun atau curug.

Selain pemandangan yang indah, para pengunjung juga bisa sambil berenang menikmati dinginnya air yang mengalir.

Mereka juga bisa berfoto-foto ria dengan latar belakang pemandangan air terjun.

Namun, yang namanya wisata alam pasti dekat dengan binatang liar.

Untuk itu, orang-orang disarankan untuk tetap berhati-hati atau peristiwa mengerikan akan terjadi seperti yang menimpa bocah yang satu ini.

Seorang anak perempuan terpaksa dilarikan ke rumah sakit usai bermain ke curug.

Kisha itu diunggah ke media sosial oleh pemilik akun bernama DeWi Arga.

Di akun Facebook-nya, ia menceritakan kejadian yang menimpa keponakannya.

Saat itu, keponakannya baru saja berwisata ke Curug Nangka yang berada di Bogor.

Usai berwisata dna tiba di rumah, keponakannya mengeluh merasakan sakit di hidungnya.

Ternyata, keponakannya itu mengalami hal yang cukup membuat merinding.

Berikut ini kisah lengkapnya :

“Sekedar share utk kita para ortu yg membawa anak2 n ponakan kita ke curug/air terjun…kejadian ini di alami sendiri oleh ponakan sy yg bernama Keisya Ramadhani,thn baru kmrin di ajak oleh ortunya ke curug nangka bogor…dy berenang n tidak menyadari bahwa ada lintah yg masuk ke hidungnya…krn keisya tdk mengalami kondisi fisik yg menurun,dy tetap ceria n bermain sperti biasanya…
plg dr curug nangka sminggu kmudian dy mengalami mimisan di hidung kiri slama 2 minggu…sudah di bw k puskesmas cinere utk priksa darah dll krn kami takit dy kena DBD…
tp hasil darah bagus n dokter hanya blg kena virus,anehnya stelah minum obat…mimisannya tdk kunjung sembuh…
smpai kami memberikan propolis n di tetesin di hidung kirinya…
darah memang berkurang yg kluar…tp tetap kluar.
Sampai akhirnya keisya blg bahwa hidungnya gatel n sperti ada yg bergerak gerak…
tgl 30 januari 2017 tengah malam,ibunya menelpon sy n nangis2…dy blg bhwa di hidung anaknya ada binatang..
sy langsung menelpon ade sy utk membawa anak m istrinya ke rumah sy..
Sy penasaran utk melihat langsung hidungnya n memang ada binatang warna coklat di dpn rongga hidungnya…
saat di senter n mw di tarik lgsg masuk kembali k hidungnya dgn cepat..kami skluarga lgsg panik n sy jam 1pg lgsg membawa ponakan sy pergi k rmh sakit di jakpus krn adik sy punya bpjs disana…walopun bpjs

nya ternyata tdk aktif..makin panik krn puskesmas menteng n rs ridwan tdk brani menangani krn keterbatasan alat..
Akhirnya di rujuk lg ke rscm…sampai di rscm di tangani oleh dokter THT yg bertugas…
sekuat tenaga binatang itu di kluarkan dr hidung kiri ponakan sy…alangkah terkejutnya kami binatang yg di kluarkan adl LINTAH n ukurannya sudah 20cm….
lintah yg td nya kecil slama 1 bln di dlm hidung lgsg besar krn telah menyedot darah…
Alhmdulillah keadaan keisya skrg sudah jauh lbh baik…smpai sekarang pun sy tdk habis
pikir kok bisa??
Apapun yg terjadi sebagai orang tua kita hrs lbh tanggap n lbh memperhatikan keadaan anak kita…
Tetap sehat ya kakak…mama wie syg kakak …”

Membaca kisah itu, banyak netizen yang merasa ngeri sekaligus kasihan dengan bocah itu.

Rini Nurjanah : Klo ponakan saya kapas msuk idungny cm krn blm bs ngomong jd ya ga ketauan… idung nya meler aj udh gitu bau. Di bawa kedokter yaa biasa diksh obat pilek. Eh kok bau bgd tuh idungny trz ke dokter anak tp suruh ke tht. Di sedot ternyata segumpal kapas entah gimana cerita ny tuh hih serem

Tya Moethiea : Mksih info y .selalu semangat jgn sampai putus asa.raysha kamu bisa sembuh seperti biasa y.amiiin

Bunda Ety : Astaghfirullah.. Alhmdulillah allah msh melindungi mu nak….cba klo smp naek ke otak itu lintah…aah…gk bs ngebayangin nya…!!!

Sinly Cindy : Jadi inget pelm di anatomy’s grey, mirip banget deh kek gini. Tak pikir dipelm itu boong ternyata…. smg cpt sembuh ya ‘de

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