Astaga. Slip Gaji Bocor Ke Pubik Ternyata Gaji Seorang Guru Honorer Jumlahnya Bikin Shok.

Unfortunately the term Mesothelioma is becoming increasingly more known, the mere mention of the striking fear in most of us because we all know it is assigned to death. Asbestos is that the reaper, Mesothelioma is his daughter inside the hand. Asbestos, the miracle product from the fifties is now recognized being an enemy from the twentieth century. A ruthless enemy who‘ll kill more and lots the best way to compared to the war. Men, women and children will certainly be victims of the prey, innocents that have at some stage in their lives inhalation of asbestos dust. We happen to be in connection with products containing asbestos in your life time. We sat inside the asbestos classrooms, stood next to our fathers as they simply cut an asbestos fence, arrived old linoleum with asbestos clogged behind of them. Visited the local board in which the broken leaves of the were offered towards the wind. Records show that there‘s a greater number of individuals with asbestosis and mesothelioma that have directly worked in asbestos mines, shipyards and also the companies that manufacture asbestos products, though there are a lot of people that have never worked in those industries. Their connection with asbestos, due to the dust brought home on the husband’s clothes or coming from the asbestos residues placed all around the houses of mines and perimeters from the city. However the tragedy doesn‘t end there, children playing innocently with their own backyard played among asbestos residues as children play elsewhere inside the sand. That They‘d no method of truly understanding that their sand was blue asbestos. A very good bath at the conclusion from the day, perhaps removed the dust coming from the skin, however the dust inside the lungs and would have stayed dormant for several years before claiming his deadly warning legacy. Without, the ideal individual suddenly reaches in need of breath, x rays reveal fluid inside the lungs and also the nightmare begins. Questions are asked and you also answer, yes, I‘d been exposed to asbestos dust but I‘d been alone inside the city for a couple of months and it was eventually greater than 40 years back. How can it be possible? This is actually the most embarrassing thing about mesothelioma. Why can there be such an extended time period between inhalation of asbestos dust and also the onset from the disease? What triggers a robust healthy body suddenly succumb inwith it? So exactly what do we do to avoid this from happening? Blood tests are now available to work out if mesothelioma is present inside the body before somebody is mindful of the symptoms. This really is an amazing breakthrough and can be step one towards healing the disease before it becomes terminal. Recently, mesothelioma was cured of the mouse and attempts to provide it back the mouse were unsuccessful. That too is definitely an exciting thing and holds a glimmer of hope for most of us. I witnessed first-hand the devastation of mesothelioma. My husband was a robust, manly man who rarely had each day off in her life. Suddenly, in the age of 52, he became in need of breath and was later diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma. He‘d lived inside the asbestos mining town of Wittenoom in Western Australia for a couple of months in the age of seven. Asbestos dust inhaled and then it took 45 years to get deadly. I still see it a challenge to believe. Despite his prognosis of three to nine months, Brian survived for 2 yrs. He was 54 when he died

Ada pepatah yang mengungkapkan guru adalah pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa. Ini benar adanya.

Terlepas dari beberapa imej yang tidak baik, guru tetaplah orang berjasa dalam dunia pendidikan.

Bahkan seorang pemimpin dunia sekalipun pasti pernah bersekolah dan memiliki seorang guru.

Tapi sebuah foto menjadi viral dan membuka mata, ternyata nasib guru tak sebaik yang kita kira.

Dalam foto yang beredar itu tak diungkap identitas dan dimana guru ini mengajar. Identitas guru itu sengaja ditutupi.

Kendati demikian foto cuplikan itu cukup menunjukkan bagaimana perjuangan guru honorer. Slip itu milik seorang guru yang telah memiliki gelar sarkana pendidikan agama Islam atau S.Pd.I.

Guru itu mengajar ilmu Fiqih kepada murid-muridnya. Ia mengajar enam ham per minggu. Guru ini hanya mengajar 12 hari dalam sebulan tapi lihat bayaran yang diterimanya.

Rincian gaji yang didapatkan guru ini diantaranya gaji pokok Rp 6.000. Lalu Tunjangan transport Rp 18.000. Ditambah tunjangan jabatan Rp 6.000.

Ternyata guru ini juga menjabat sebagai wali kelas. Atas tugasnya itu dia diberikan tunjangan wali kelas sebesar Rp 5.000.

Total sebulan guru ini mendapatkan upah yakni Rp 35.000. Foto gaji honorer itu banyak beredar luas di media sosial.

Di antaranya diunggah oleh akun Facebook Rhea Abdi di grup Facebook Persatuan OP WARNET Indonesia, Minggu (13/4/2018).

Netizen mengaku miris dengan gaji pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa tersebut.

Hororo: "Ya liat itu jam kerjanya sehari sejam, guru biasa kan 6-9 jam perhari"

Huma Ilham: "Sodara ane ada yang guru SD, 1 bulan digaji 100ribu, berangkat ngajar jam 7.30 pulang jam 13.00 siang."

Afrizal Bahtiar Rumanta: "Memang gajih kami kecil di dunia, tapi gaji kami di akhirat besar bro, apa yang kami lakukan semata mata ikhlas untuk mencerdaskan, mendidik, coba kalo tidak ada kami, op warnet juga mungkin buta hurup buta aksara, hehe"

Pantas lah guru yang baik dan sabar patut kita ingat dan balas jasanya, karena tanpa mereka tak ada kita yang berilmu sekarang.


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