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How To Move From WordPress.Com To WordPress.Org Using A Self-Hosted Domain by Scott Chow | April 3, 2018 If you already have a blog on WordPress.com and would like to move it to your own self-hosted domain name using WordPress.org, this tutorial will show you how. Wordpress.com has several inherent issues that make it less desirable for many bloggers. The main issues are the lack of control and security, along with the inability to profit from your blog. If you have run into these issues, it is time to move to a self-hosted WordPress.org blog. In this guide, I will assume that you have already set up your domain and installed WordPress.org. You can follow my guide on how to start a self hosted WordPress blog to see exactly how to get a free domain name and install WordPress.org if you have not done so already. I can even do the setup for you, just submit a blog install request here. 1 – Export Your WordPress.com Blog Although you cannot install third-party plugins using a free blog hosted at wordpress.com, there is an export tool included with the platform that allows you to download all of your posts and comments for importing into your self-hosted wordpress.org blog. Navigate to “Tools > Export” in your wordpress.com blog, and click on “Export”. Choose the content that you want to export. Most likely, you’ll want to stick with the default option, “All content,” to export all of your posts, pages, comments, navigation menus and other content. Click “Download Export File” to download your content to your computer in the form of a single XML file. move-from-wordpress-com-1 2 – Import Your WordPress.com Blog Now you can upload the XML file to your new wordpress.org blog so that all of your content will immediately appear on your new website. Navigate to “Tools > Import” in your new self-hosted wordpress.org blog, and click the last option “WordPress”. Click “Choose File” and navigate to the XML file that you downloaded in the previous step. Click “Upload file and import,” and wait for WordPress to transfer your content to the new site. The transfer may take a while depending on your Internet connection and the size of the XML file.

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